/ Donate

Your donations are important to the support of the parish and its ministries.

Donations can be sent by mail to:
St. Vladimir Cathedral
5913 State Road
Parma, OH 44134


Online donations can be made by clicking the buttons below:

We've raised
Our Monthly Goal
Offering - $2,500.00 (monthly)
01/01/25 - 01/31/25

Our parish relies on the generous and regular donations of its members and friends to make the ministy of the church possible. Please consider supporting our parish with a single or recurring donation.

Remembrance Paving Stones

To raise money for much-needed capital improvements at our beloved parish, we are offering engraved paving stones which will be placed around the Holodomor monument next to the church. Remember departed loved ones, commemorate your wedding, or commemorate your family with one of these beautiful pavers.

The cost is $160 for your personalized paving stone. The engraving can accommodate 3 lines of up to 14 characters each. Click here to open the form. Return the form with your $160 to Mark or Nancy Meaden or anyone at the church office. Feel free to review the engraved pavers already in place at the memorial!

Did you know that you can pay your yearly annual parish dues online? Just click the button below to pay by credit card via Annual parish dues are $170 per adult members ($100 of which is sent to the Metropolia Consistory in South Bound Brook, NJ and the remaining $70 stays in our parish).

News & Events


St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral
Location: 5913 State Road, Parma, OH 44134

Mailing: 3425 Marioncliff Drive, Parma, OH 44134



Phone: (440) 886-3223 (office)