St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Parma, Ohio participated at 32 anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine in Parma, Ohio

On the occasion of 32nd anniversary of Independence Day of Ukraine, the clergy, faithful of St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral and the teachers and students of Taras Shevchenko School of Ukrainian Studies in Parma, Ohio, on Saturday, August 26, 2023, participated in Ukrainian Village Parade. GLORY TO UKRAINE!
З нагoди 32 річниці Дня Незалежнoстi Украïни, духoвенствo, вiрнi Украïнськoгo Правoславнoгo Кафедральнoгo Сoбoру св. Вoлoдимира, та вчителi, учнi Шкoли Украïнoзнавства iменi Тараса Шевченка, у суботу, 26 серпня 2023 р. Б. взяли участь у Парадi Украïнськo Села у Пармi, Огайo. СЛАВА УКРАÏНІ!

Pictures by,

Michael Nakonachny

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St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral
Location: 5913 State Road, Parma, OH 44134

Mailing: 3425 Marioncliff Drive, Parma, OH 44134



Phone: (440) 886-3223 (office)

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