The faithful of our parish gather to make pyrohy (perogies), a traditional Ukrainian dumpling, to help assist the parish financially. Volunteers meet Wednesdays and Thursdays in the parish hall kitchen to make pyrohy. Pyrohy are sold by the dozen on Tuesdays and Fridays. See information below to order.
Pyrohy Group Coordinators: Tamara Host, Lucy Leszczuk, and Alex Pihuliak
3:00 PM - peeling
10:30 AM - scooping
4:00 PM - making
We sincerely thank everyone that supported our pyrohy sales this Fall. We are currently on hiatus and expect to restart production at the end of February. Please check back in mid-February for updates on specific dates and times for our re-opening. At this time, we are essentially sold out. We look forward to seeing you again in the Spring.
Prices are as follows:
- Potato/Sauerkraut/Mix - $10
- Sweet Cheese - $11
- Apricot/Prune (only before Christmas and Easter) - $11